Repeat Prescription Request
If you do not have a SystmOnline account, you can use this form to request any repeat prescriptions from the Practice.
Please allow 3 working days before collecting your prescription.
In future you may wish to consider registering for our Online Services. The Online Services system remembers which medications you are on and makes requesting repeat prescriptions faster and easier.
Prescription Synchronisation
If you would like to save time and order all the medication you have on repeat at the same time rather than irregular times throughout the month please use the form below.
When you next need to request an item on repeat count up all the tablets you have and fill in the form. Your doctor will issue a “one off” prescription of the tablets you need to synchronise all your medication to within a day or two.
Prescription Question
Pharmacists are trained experts in the use of medicines. For many questions regarding your medication you’ll find your pharmacy a valuable source of information.
You can use the form below to ask the practice a question regarding your medication, such as:
- When you should take it and what to do if you miss a dose.
- What the possible side effects are, and what to do if they occur.
Medication Review
We review any regular medication on a repeat prescription annually and wherever possible the doctor will do this without you having to attend the surgery.
Electronic Prescription Service
The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is a NHS service that allows us to send your prescription(s) directly to your chosen pharmacy. This paper-free prescription service means that you do not have to come into the surgery to collect your prescription.
We encourage all patients to register for this free service.